Wednesday, November 29, 2006

photo diary!!

so we made it! our trip to the NC was amazing! allie and i were made honorary members of the Ashdown family for the week, and it was awesome. thanks to all who were there. good times...
so a few pictures:

we arrived.

thanksgiving pictures didn't come all that well, but here is one.

so...after an AMAZING meal, we headed off to the beach for the night. EAST COAST!

the amazing coast. could not have asked for a more perfect day...

and because everyone says im "EMO"...

Jasen and Amanda passed along a hidden jewel in the NC. Helios coffee shop. so delish.

overall an amazing trip. the Ashdown's truly spoiled us. they are amazing. I hope everyone's thanksgiving was fabulous, and will look forward to hearing from you soon!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

just because

this post is so i can say i posted recently.
the last two weeks have been insane, and now Allie and I get to head down to North Carolina to hang out with the Ashdown's! cant wait! looking forward to a time of relaxation.

love and peace,


Monday, November 06, 2006

welcome little brother

hey people, check out timmy's blog. good stuff!
did you watch the franchise's (Francis Chan's) video yet?
there's still a link...(see below)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

another enlightenment

in response to my last post, i need to follow up with yet another conviction...with special thanks to Fracis Chan. those of you who do not know who he is, i apologize. quickoverview: he is a pastor in california, a great communicator of God's Word, and helps paint beautiful pictures of who He is. please take the time to listen to this sermon. I promise you, you will not regret it. for itunes: lukewarm and lovin' it! all others: cornerstone church locate sermons and select, "lukewarm and lovin' it!

prepare yourselves to be challenged.
(thank you Jeremy for pointing this out to me.)



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